Thursday, August 30, 2012

Final Project

This is my final project, I decided to put my poster into a GIF, the GIF plays continuously and does not stop. I am not used to working with this format as you will see. I wanted to create more moving objects like the dragonfly but simply ran out of time. This is more time consuming than it looks. I used Photoshop effects for the text and the castle that is in the background of the poster. I spent more time on detail on the poster than I did in the GIF panels. But getting the GIF to run smoothly took time. The only thing I don't like is that I lost a lot of picture quality in my poster. It looks the best in Illustrator and the poster lost picture quality when I put it into PNG and JPEG. It then lost more picture quality when I put it into Photoshop and then into a GIF.

My project concept is a movie poster that I turned into a trailer for the film. After I did the poster I wasnt sure what to do from there. But in the back of my head I thought that I would like to somehow convert it into a GIF, but I wasnt sure if it would work because movie posters are not usually in trailers. My target audience is obviously for younger children as this is a fantasy film for a younger audience, most likely an animated G rated film, such as Disney films are. The only sketches I have for this are posted below and that is for the poster. I did not use sketches for the rest. I used Illustrator and Photoshop for my assignment, I did my poster mostly in Illustrator except for the castle which I did in Photoshop. The rest of the trailer was done in Photoshop using animated GIFS. I would of liked to have added much more to my GIF, but by the time I got a handle on creating it I ran out of time.

I think my final project maintained ethical standards because I created everything from my own head and did not take any ideas from anywhere else nor did I use photos from online. I also think my project is socially responsible because it does not offend anyone in anyway. I think it also maintains ethical standards because I did not copy this design from anywhere else, it was all my own idea. But I do have to admit that I think I thought of the word Dreamstar because of Dreamworks Studios. I needed a name for a studio fast and that is what came to mind.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cartoon Competition Sketch 2

This is my second cartoon sketch for the International Tourism Cartoon Competition, I have more punchlines that I am going to be posting shortly.

Punchline #2 "I told you Low Budget Travel Agency was a bad idea....this isnt Honolulu"!

#3 "This isn't the Ramada.....I think that seventh margarita was a bad idea"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Artist Statement

My name is Shauna Moran and for me art is an expression of fleeting creative visions. I express these visions through different types of mediums such as photography, designing, and drawing. I enjoy capturing an array of light and shadows in black and white photography, and creating unique designs.

 Although I don't paint I am interested in the evolution of paintings, history of art has been one of my favorite subjects that I have studied and my favorite eras are the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. Although I have taken art history one and two I am interested in learning more about the history of artists and paintings, as I find it fascinating.

 My biggest interest is in graphic designing and advertising, I enjoy coming up with unique and clever ways to capture the attention of an audience. The biggest achievement in advertising is getting and attracting peoples attention to an ad. This is done by utilizing typography and images in a creative manner as to sell a product, whether it be a serious ad or humorous one. I particularly enjoy creating humorous ones more.

 When my work is going well, I am filled with a sense of inspiration and achievement. When people see my work I would like them to see and understand the message that I am conveying in my art, whether it is a photograph, and ad or a design. These are the reasons why I would like to improve my skills in the field of digital art.